A Multi-Family Home

About Listing a House for Sale with a Real-Estate Agent's Help

by Arnold Gomez

Did you list your house for sale via an ad but not had any luck with attracting buyers? You must understand that there is much more to selling a house than posting an ad. If you want to have more success with attracting buyers, you might need the professional expertise of a real-estate agent. This article will explain how a real-estate agent can help you obtain success with listing and selling your house.

An Appraisal Might Be Provided

If you hire a real-estate agent, he or she might be able to appraise your house. Appraisals can only be made if the agent has been properly licensed for the job, so ask him or her in advance. It is a good idea to obtain an appraisal because doing so will help you set a listing price that is fair for you and the buyers. Overpricing the property can be the reason why no buyers have been responding to your ad.

Your House Will Be Compared to Other Houses

You must keep in mind that there may be other houses that are for sale in your neighborhood, and that gives you competitors. A real-estate agent has the skills to make your house a good competitor among the other listings. For example, he or she might recommend that features that nearby homeowner have, such as a security or irrigation system, be added to your property. The key is to make sure buyers will not feel as though they are missing out on great features by passing up other homes and buying yours.

Curb-Appeal Suggestions Will Be Made

It is possible that potential buyers have been paying attention to the ad and driving by your house. However, if there isn't much curb appeal, this may be deterring the buyers so they don't have a desire to see the interior. Real-estate agents know ways to improve the house's curb appeal in a way in which buyers can't resist. For instance, the agent might recommend that flowers be added or that old paint be placed on the house. Cleaning dirty windows can also add more curb appeal.

The MLS Used By Real-Estate Agents Will Be Used

There is a Multiple Listing Service (MLS) that is much more useful than an ad placed in a newspaper. Basically, real-estate agents use the MLS to help sellers attract more buyers in a speedy amount of time. After your house has been listed, numerous real-estate agents will be able to access it and show potential buyers the property. You will start seeing interested buyers before you know it.
