If you have just figured out that there are bed bugs living inside your home, you may be livid. There are lots of different types of pests that can infest a home, but bed bugs are quite annoying to deal with because they are not easy to eradicate. While you will have to go through several steps, it is possible to remove them from the home. You may be able to get the job done on your own or you may need help from a pest control expert.
The Do-It-Yourself Approach
If your infestation is not too bad, you may want to try handling this problem on your own. It is worth a try, but there is no guarantee that it will be successful. The best way to start dealing with the bed bugs is to wash everything you own that can go into a washer, including your shoes and any stuffed animals belonging to you or the children. Everything should get washed in hot water and dried for about 30 minutes if possible.
Washing your clothes and linen is not the only step you will need to take. In fact, you will need to find out where these bed bugs are at in the home. While it may seem obvious to check the bed and mattress, they can hang out in other places, such as tables, dresser drawers and even couches. You can use a portable handheld steamer on your furniture to start killing these pests in full force. You can also purchase a pesticide to spray around areas of the home in an attempt to get rid of the bed bugs for good.
The Pest Specialist Approach
Some people have success with the do-it-yourself approach, but there are others who are dealing with an infestation that is too large to handle on their own. If you cannot seem to get rid of the bed bugs or would simply prefer to leave it to the professionals, you should hire a pest control specialist. There are a few different services that may be offered by the professional. In many instances, a pest control specialist will use a pesticide spray that has a very high success rate, such as Temprid.
The specialist may use a powdery substance that can dry the bed bugs out, causing them to die within just a few days. You can ask the professional about his or her method of treatment ahead of time. You may need to prepare for the treatment by pulling furniture out from against the wall and setting it in the middle of the room.
Whether you are treating your home on your own or hiring someone else to do it, it is necessary to get rid of bed bugs. If they are not properly eradicated, they will spread quicker than ever and cause many unwanted problems for you.