A Multi-Family Home

Stress-Reducing Tips For Selling Your Occupied Single-Family Home

by Arnold Gomez

Thousands of single-family homes across the country are occupied by busy families, often with working parents and one or more children and pets. If their home is listed for sale, the family's level of stress can rise significantly. 

Suddenly, in addition to work and family life, parents must also deal with keeping the home clean, attractive, and ready for showing. If your busy family will soon be selling your single-family home, these stress-reducing tips may be just what you need to enjoy a successful sale without disrupting family life. 

Reduce clutter to make organization much easier and faster

Listing agents routinely advise their seller clients to remove clutter in their home in order to make it look cleaner and more spacious. In busy households where there are children and pets, this advice is even more important. 

A good plan for busy families is to dispose of or store away any item that has not been used or needed over the past few months. Decor items, including wall displays, photos, and statuary items should also be thinned.

This type of deep clutter removal process will make dusting and cleaning chores much faster and easier, as well as giving the home a more spacious, open feel that buyers will appreciate. 

Make quick cleanups a part of the household routine

In addition to removing unnecessary clutter from the home, families can also reduce the stress of the home sale by making quick, daily cleanups part of their normal daily routine. Depending on the age of the children and their ability to help, assign each family member with a few quick daily tasks that will need to be accomplished in order to keep the home looking its best. For instance: 

  • teens might run the vacuum in high traffic zones, wipe down the kitchen, load washers and dryers, and fold clothes
  • younger kids might take out garbage, dust surfaces, and sweep the porch and deck
  • toddlers and preschoolers might pick up toys and stray socks and put them into a dedicated basket or container

Parents can oversee the tasks and handle any chores that may be unsuitable for their children's ages or abilities. 

Schedule showing availability for the family's benefit

Incoming calls and texts with showing requests can ratchet up the stress level for busy families who have placed their single-family homes on the market.

A good way to limit this type of stress is to choose specific time frames in which the home will be ready and available for showing and have them included in the showing instructions.

Taking this step offers family's some much-needed downtime when they know they will not be disturbed. It will also make it much easier to schedule cleaning chores so that they can better ensure the home will look its best for each showing. 

Homeowners can rely on the advice of their real estate professionals to help them find even more ways to reduce their stress levels while selling their single family home. Contact a company like RE/MAX GOLD for more information.
