A Multi-Family Home

  • Some Of The Key Advantages Of Owning Real Estate

    30 May 2023

    If you need a new place to live, you might face the dilemma of whether you should rent a home or buy your own property. Both options have their advantages, but purchasing real estate can offer more long-term rewards, which could enhance your life in different ways. If you already live in an ideal home and have more financial stability, you may even choose to buy real estate merely for investment purposes.

  • Understanding Real Estate Auctions And The Benefits They Offer

    20 April 2023

    Real estate auctions are an excellent way to sell properties nowadays. Although they were once considered a last resort method to sell properties, the perceptions have changed, and now it has become an effective method for sellers looking for a quick sale or who want to avoid high real estate agent fees. Real Estate Auctions In a real estate auction, a property is sold to the highest bidder, and the sale is completed within a specific time frame.

  • Avoid Builder's Remorse: Practical Tips To Consider When Planning Your Custom-Built Home

    28 February 2023

    As exciting as having a new home built can be, there is also a lot of anxiety that goes along with the excitement. There are many details to consider including cost, style, design, and square footage. Having a plan in place prior to the construction planning phase of the build will help you have your dream home constructed without any regrets in the end. Be real about your budget  Having a home built that you cannot afford can turn a dream home into a nightmare.

  • Why Have A Maintenance Tech On Your Team At Your Real Estate Office?

    19 January 2023

    Whether you own and operate a real estate company or you are a real estate agent who works for a real estate firm, you want to make sure the end customer, who is buying or selling real estate, has the best experience. After all, purchasing real estate for many people is the most expensive investment a person can make and you want to make sure people feel they are getting their money's worth in your hands.

  • 4 Tips For Making An Offer On A Home You Want To Purchase

    20 December 2022

    Have you been looking for a home to purchase and finally found one that interests you? If so, you'll need to put in a formal offer with the seller and hope that they accept it. Here are some tips for making an offer to give you the best chance of having it accepted. Act Quickly Making an offer on a home is not something you want to think about for weeks.

  • Understanding NNN Real Estate

    27 October 2022

    Commercial real estate investors focus on cash flow. They are looking for sound real estate investments that provide steady and predictable cash flow. NNN commercial real estate for sale fits the bill. Here's why. What Is NNN Commercial Real Estate? Have you ever heard of NNN real estate but weren't quite sure what it meant? NNN stands for triple net, which refers to a special commercial lease agreement. In a triple net lease, the tenant is responsible for rent and all three of the property's operating expenses, including utilities, taxes, and maintenance.

  • Questions To Discuss With Your Home Selling Agent

    3 October 2022

    So, you've decided to sell your house to upgrade to a new one. Many homeowners decide to do this at some point, but selling a house isn't something you might know a lot about. Therefore, you might want to turn to a real estate agent for some help. Your agent can assist with the sale, but they'll likely begin by answering your questions. Here is a guide to know what questions to discuss with your home selling agent before signing the contract.